Author interviews, Why I Write

Why I Write – Angela Fish

It's my great pleasure today to welcome Darkstroke author, Angela Fish to my blog to discuss her writing journey. Why I write… Thank you so much for inviting me to visit your blog today to share my writing motivation and journey with you. As a baby and young child I was badly asthmatic and I… Continue reading Why I Write – Angela Fish

Author tips

Writing Hints and Tips – Plotter, Pantser or Plantser

Do you plot your novel in detail before you even write the first word? (plotter). Or do you start writing with nary a clue in which direction your story is heading? (pantser - writing by the seat of your pants!) Maybe you're somewhere in the middle - a plantser (like me!)   There are pros… Continue reading Writing Hints and Tips – Plotter, Pantser or Plantser

Why I Write

Why I Write – Michelle Cook

I'm very excited today to welcome fellow Darkstroke author, Michelle Cook to my blog. Read on to discover what compels Michelle to write. Thank you so much for having me, Jo. I’m feeling philosophical these days so the subject of why I write is perfect for the moment! I’ll be honest. When I started out… Continue reading Why I Write – Michelle Cook

Author tips

Writing Hints and Tips – Point of View

Are you unsure which viewpoint to use in your story? Would you like to know the pros and cons of 1st v 3rd person? Check out the tips below to help you decide the best solution for your story...   Bonus tips for clicking into the website... Use the point of view that works best… Continue reading Writing Hints and Tips – Point of View

Why I Write

Why I Write – Anne-Marie Ormsby

I'm delighted to welcome fellow Darkstroke author, Anne-Marie Ormsby, to my blog today.   Why I write… Thanks for having me on your blog, its an honour! I wrote my first story when I was 9 – it was for a school project on Deserts and it was just a descriptive piece describing a day… Continue reading Why I Write – Anne-Marie Ormsby

Author tips

Writing Hints and Tips – Dialogue

Does your dialogue feel realistic? Are your characters' voices distinctive? If not, you can improve on this. Check out these tips: Listen to speech patterns whilst out and about - on the bus, in the shops, on TV. When writing, get inside the head of your characters. Don't overdo accents. A touch of dialect is… Continue reading Writing Hints and Tips – Dialogue

Author interviews, Why I Write

Why I Write – Val Penny

Today is the start of my exciting new blog series, Why I Write. I'm thrilled to begin with my friend and fellow Darkstroke author, Val Penny... My Writing Journey - Val Penny Thank you for inviting me to visit your blog today. I have always enjoyed telling stories as well as listening to them. I… Continue reading Why I Write – Val Penny

Author tips

Writing Hints and Tips – Know Your Characters

How well do you know your characters? Do they behave consistently throughout the story? How much depth do they have? Could you predict how they would act in certain situations? Do they fly off the page and take control of the story, sending it in unexpected directions? Below are a few ideas to help you… Continue reading Writing Hints and Tips – Know Your Characters